It’s the end of September and I can’t quite believe that we are now three quarters of the way through the year.
This is the second of my planned 2 weekends off and while many people are out celebrating pay day or having final drinks before Stoptober I’m enjoying a night in with the cat catching up on admin.
And paying bills. Lots of bills. Anyone else find September an unusually expensive month?
Luckily month end has brought a rush of bookings. In the last 48 hours people have secured my services for a wedding on Bournemouth Beach next May, another for a garden in Wickham next August and 2 weddings at Parley Manor in 2018.
I’m quite excited by the latter as its another new venue for me.
It’s also nice to see people are booking ahead. The added advantage of booking now is you get me and my associates at 2016 prices, which is technically still 2013 prices. And still (we’re told) very reasonable prices too. They will be increasing next year.
This week I also got a new phone number. 0333 1234435 is just a normal landline cost to call and I think it looks better on a business card than a mobile number. I ordered some more cards too but stopped short of getting a new phone as well.
I might treat myself at Christmas (which isn’t far away at all) 🙂
Have a great weekend and if I can help with anything give me a call or drop me an email to